Inside Wagner wins Outstanding Hard News Feature Story: Long Form

Last week, a documentary I made motion graphics for won an Emmy for Outstanding Hard News Feature, Long Form!

Congrats to all the amazing hard-working people and their win! Amel Guettatfi, Paula Salhany, Craig Thomson, Julia Steers, Kazuyuki Ishii, Grace Shin, Susane Kim, Subrata De, Maral Usefi, Beverly Chase, Sean Stephens and anyone else I missed!!

For this doc, we had the difficult task of explaining the web of organized crime and flow of money around the world that was connected to the Russian mercenary group, Wagner. Without naming names, we wanted to explain how shell companies and their figureheads had dealings in different parts of the world which all increased Yevgeny Prigozhin's and the Kremlin's global influence. This was a real fun one to work on.

Inside Wagner Graphics Quick Reel

Watch the full film here.